Anatomie der Sehnsucht I Anatomie der Peinlichkeit
Through a series of choreographic images, oscillating between dance and performance art, ‚Anatomy of Desire I Anatomy of Awkwardness‘ exhibits the nature of two opposing emotions.
The episode about longing presents a deep study of a basic human drive and embodies the feeling of desire in a formalistically consequent, abstract and visual choreography. The audience observes how a creature, charged and motivated by a deep longing, reveals its internal universe.
In contrast the episode about awkwardness and embarrassment presents a light-hearted deconstruction of everyday disruptions in social interactions. It dedicates itself to the borders of shame and shamelessness and offers the audience a multilayered projection surface created by two bodies, voice, video and sound design.
choreography Anatomy of Desire: Marie Steiner
choreography Anatomy of Awkwardness: Alexandra Rauh production: Charlie Petersen & Alexandra Rauh dance: Lena Schattenberg, Charlie Petersen
composition: Mona Matbou Riahi, Wolfgang Eckert
stage design: Daina Kasperowitsch
costume design: Lisi Lang, Eva Eidinger
video: Miho Kasama
light design: Sasa Batnozic
dramaturgy: Manuela Neudegger
assistance: Karoline Krämer
premiere: 05-27-2021
coproduction: Tafelhalle Nürnberg
In cooperation with MNEME kollektiv and OFF Theater Wien supported by: Bayerischer Landesverband für Zeitgenössischen Tanz, Kompositionsförderung MA7 Wien, Kulturstiftung Sparkasse Nürnberg, Tanzzentrale Nürnberg